
Low Back Pain

Chiropractic in Chandler, AZ
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Low Back Pain services offered in Chandler, AZ

Sciatica is a painful condition affecting the back, hip and outer side of the leg commonly caused by compression or irritation of the spinal nerve roots in the lower back.  At TruMotion Chiropractic, Austin Schauer, DC, does a comprehensive analysis of your spine, focusing on the root cause of your sciatica. Dr. Schauer provides manual adjustments and other medication-free options for sciatica to help you get the pain relief you need. Call the office in Chandler, Arizona, or book an appointment online today to learn more.

Sciatica Q&A

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a common condition caused by a pinched/irritated and/or compressed sciatic nerve. Your sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in your body. The nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve begin in your lumbar and sacral spine and move along down your buttocks and the length of your legs. 

Compression and/or irritation along any part of the sciatic nerve can result in sciatica. Auto accident injuries, bone spurs, herniated disks, piriformis syndrome and spinal stenosis (spinal canal narrowing) are also common causes of the condition.  

How do I know if I have sciatica?

Some signs and symptoms that you have sciatica include electric shock-like pain that travels down your low back and into one of your legs. 

Other symptoms you may experience include:

  • Burning or tingling sensations
  • Numbness
  • Dull aching pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Having difficulty standing up, walking around, or exercising

While sciatica symptoms may come and go and the pain may resolve over time, it can also cause chronic pain that worsens with time. 

What are the risk factors for sciatica?

Sciatica can affect people of all ages, but several factors may increase your risk of developing the condition, including:

  • Sitting for long periods of time 
  • Being middle-aged or over
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Having a chronic condition like arthritis or diabetes 

You’re also more likely to have sciatica if you have a physically demanding job requiring you to lift, carry objects, or sit in one place for a long time.

How is sciatica treated?

Treatment for sciatica depends on the severity of your symptoms and their effect on your daily life. At TruMotion Chiropractic, Dr. Schauer takes a holistic and conservative approach to sciatica, reducing the need for prescription medications or surgery. He may recommend:

  • Spinal decompression
  • Traction therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Stretching program and targeted exercises
  • Lifestyle changes

A chiropractic adjustment uses manual manipulation techniques to align your vertebrae, enhance circulation, and minimize pain.

If you suspect you have sciatica and experience ongoing pain, call TruMotion Chiropractic or use the online booking tool today. Dr. Schauer can help you find a solution to your low back and leg pain.