

Chiropractic in Chandler, AZ
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Extremities services offered in Chandler, AZ

Your extremities include your hands, wrists, hip, arms, legs, and feet. Any damage or injury to an extremity may cause pain and diminish your quality of life, preventing you from participating in your activities you enjoy. Dr. Austin Schauer, DC, at TruMotion Chiropractic, offers complete care for pain in the lower or upper extremities. Call the office in Chandler, Arizona, or book an appointment online today to find a solution to extremity pain.

Extremities Q&A

What are extremities?

An extremity is a limb of the body. Your upper and lower extremities are a complex combination of nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, blood vessels, and more.  

Your upper extremities include your:

  • Arms
  • Forearms
  • Hands
  • Wrists
  • Elbows

Lower extremities involve the:

  • Hip 
  • Upper and lower leg 
  • Foot (forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot)
  • Ankles
  • Knees

The key to addressing the pain caused by extremities is to get a professional evaluation at TruMotion Chiropractic. Dr. Schauer can review your medical history and evaluate your symptoms to determine the best approach to helping you with your condition. 

Why does extremity pain happen?

Extremity pain is a common condition as a result of overuse and inflammation. It can affect your joints, tendons, and muscles. The cause of extremity pain is not always clear.

Many people who suffer from age related changes such as osteoarthritis have pain in their extremities at some point. Since osteoarthritis is seen more often in older people, the risk of having pain in your extremities does increase with age. When the cartilage — flexible tissue that protects your joints — wears away over time, the joints can no longer move smoothly because they’re in direct contact with other bones. It causes them to rub together with movement, resulting in aberrant motion and pain. 

In some people, such as women undergoing menopause, the lack of estrogen production can cause calcium depletion and decreased bone density, leading in extremity pain.

How are extremities treated with chiropractic care?

Depending on the cause, pain in your extremities can feel dull or mild. You may experience swelling, tingling, numbness, cramping, and weakness. It can also worsen when you’re moving, exercising, or working. 

At TruMotion Chiropractic, Dr. Schuaer uses extremity mobilization and extremity adjusting techniques to help with lower and upper extremity complaints.  Using a variety of chiropractic techniques, he can help you manage pain, strengthen weak muscles, and improve your endurance and mobility.

Gentle chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue mobilization can help your joints move more smoothly and reduce inflammation, improving your range of motion and circulation.

If you have pain in your extremities, call TruMotion Chiropractic or use the online booking tool for chiropractic care today!